Community Day in Bourbon

May 10, 2012

05/11/12 Les McFarland, Bourbon Town Council President was very happy with participation with “Community Day”.

  The Town of Bourbon conducted a “Community Day” on May 05 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Many members of the community arrived at the Community Park and assisted in cleaning up the Town of Bourbon.  Approximately 20 to 25 people, including the Cub Scotts arrived and assisted in the project.  Fire Hydrants were painted, Town parks were cleaned up, bleachers and curbs were scraped to prepare them for paint, a new score board was hung at the Town park, the front of Town Hall was cleaned and the brick was leveled along with other activities.

  The Town of Bourbon provided lunch to all persons who attended and assisted in the “Community Day”.  Chief William Martin, Bourbon Police Department obtained pictures of the people involved and assisted in providing traffic control while the Fire Hydrants and were being painted and the curbs being cleaned.

  The Town Council believes that the “Community Day” was a success and assisted in showing the Town prided, providing fellowship among the community and cleaning up the Town.

    The Town Council hopes to start a tradition of having future “Community Days”.