Olive Trail Closed, Culvert Collapsed

May 2, 2011

05/03/11 Marshall County Commissioner Kevin Overmyer and Highway Superintendent Neal Haeck were at Olive Trail south of Glenn Overmyer Drive Monday about noon to look at damage to the roadway.  A culver that runs between Dixon Lake and the pond to the east collapsed late morning and has caused the County to close Oliver Trail between Overmyer Drive and 11th Road.

Highway Superintendent Haeck said he had planned on replacing the culvert and had been working on getting the necessary permits to replace the culvert.  It is a rather lengthy process acquiring the permits with one portion taking at least 30 days.  He is hoping that due to the emergency situation that showed up on Monday that they might be able to move a little quicker on the project.

County Commissioner Kevin Overmyer said he wasn’t sure that any work could be done until the high water goes back down.  For a short time traffic was allowed to use the east shoulder but the county was planning on barricading the road keeping all traffic off the dangerous roadway.

Oliver Trail could be closed for a couple of weeks to a couple of months depending on the permitting process.