Kindergarten Classes at Washington Discovery Academy See Hot Air Balloon

May 8, 2013

  05/09/13 Tuesday morning students at Washington Discover Academy were treated to a special presentation for their transportation chapter.  A hot air balloon was inflated in the front school yard for kindergarten students to see. 

Kindergarten teacher Kendall Hoover had seen the hot air balloon on the school property during the summer and seized the opportunity to talk with pilot Jim Kunze about the possibility of bringing the balloon to the school for the children to see.  The spring weather finally cooperated and Tuesday was the morning. 

  About 8:30 Kunze and his crew drove the trailer that houses the balloon and basket out in the yard, and began the process of inflating the balloon.  A few students had the chance to help unpack the balloon and then they saw the process of inflation that includes a huge fan that blows air in.  Once the balloon is fairly well inflated the pilot then ignites the burners and puts hot air into the balloon and as it fills the balloon rises. 

When the balloon was standing up each student had the chance to get in the basket for a photo op.  They then watched the process of deflating the balloon. 

  All three kindergarten classes at Washington Discovery Academy watched the process.  It was so unusual that first grade students were allowed to bring their IPads out and watched and videoed the process too. 

  After the performance students went back into their classrooms and talked about the process.  There comments included: it’s so big, awesome, and why doesn’t it catch on fire…..