SummerFest Ice Cream Social at Triton Elementary Huge Success

August 11, 2014

Triton_SummerFest_IceCreamSocial2014The ice cream social at Triton Elementary School during the Bourbon Summerfest was a major success with more than 250 ice cream cones being served and enjoyed. The band “Sentimental Journey” also entertained during the evening with Sousa marches and “God Bless America” during the fabulous fireworks display put on by the Bourbon Fire Department.

Triton Community School Superintendent Donna Burroughs said, “All in all, it was a very patriotic and beautiful evening to celebrate the end of summer and going back to school!” She also thanked those who helped and everyone who participated.

Pictured serving ice cream to members of the PJ Hanley family are: Terri Barnhart, Diana Westphal, Louise Mason, Travis Barnhart, and Ken Barnhart.