December 16, 2015

lions_club_Deb PalmerDebbie Palmer, assistant administrator for the Marshall County Soil and Water Conservation District along with Matthew Linn, Senior Staff Scientist were on hand to explain the many aspects of the district as well as the Headwaters Yellow River Watershed.  Marshall County formed their district in 1955 to identify soil and water problems and find resolution.  Teddy Roosevelt stated, “We should not forget that it will be just as important to our descendants to be prosperous in their time as it is to us to be prosperous in our time.”  Soil and Water Conservation Districts are governed by boards made up of local “supervisors” who work to promote the wise use, development, and conservation of our state’s soil, water, and related resources in ways that are relevant to their unique regions.

Both Palmer and Linn explained what a watershed was, where the Headwaters Yellow River Watershed is at, and what the common concerns are for the Watershed.  The Marshall County Soil and Water District hopes “To protect, restore, and enhance the surface and groundwater of the Headwaters Yellow River Watershed for future generations through education and the implementation of conservation practices.”

Their Outreach Programs are many, with the Community Garden, and Education in the Schools….area high schools travel to Camp Buffalo to learn about conservation, wildlife, forestry and water quality.  Schools compete for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place for a chance to move on to statewide competition.  They offer the Envirothon in March, a special program at Washington Discovery Academy in April, river Expeditions in September for area high schools to learn about fish, trees, and water quality of the Tippecanoe River, and Marshall County Ag day with third grade students just to name a few of their many Outreach Programs.

Plans for the Christmas Banquet were discussed by Lions Club Members and the dates for dictionaries to be handed out to area third grade students were also established.  The Plymouth Lions Club is honored to be able to supply these dictionaries to elementary students as one of their annual projects.  Lions are about providing service and our strength is directly tied to our members.  Anyone interested in joining the Plymouth Lions Club is urged to contact any Lions Club member.  The more members we have the more projects we can sponsor and the more services we can provide to our community.