Credits will Help Pay County’s 20% Match on 13 Road Bridge

June 10, 2010


 Marshall County Highway Superintendant Neal Haeck told the Marshall County Commissioners that a concurrence letter stating that the County concurs with the lowest bid on the 13th Road Bridge over the Yellow River has brought in additional funding. 

With the assistance of MACOG (Michiana Area Councils of Governments) and the concurrence letter the County will receive additional funds that will reduce the local match required by about 50%.   

The total reconstruction and realignment project is funded 80/20 by a federal grant to the County. The county’s 20% matching funds was projected at $364,415. Thanks to the credits the bottom line for the county will be $182,207 or about 50 percent lower than anticipated.

Commissioner Jack Roose explained that the project was originally estimated at $1.9 million. When the bids came in the project was at $1.6 million.  Since the feds had the additional funds available that is where the credits come into play.