Training Days at Lake Max

September 10, 2012

  09/11/12 Sunday, September 9 was training day for Indiana State Troopers, Andrew Cochran, Adam Duffitt, Trooper Clay, Caleb Clark, and Zach Smith. They were in Culver at Lake Maxinkuckee getting certification training hours for scuba diving. Scuba teams are used by the Indiana State Police in search and rescue operations.

  According to Trooper Adam Duffitt, “We travel all over the state to train and today we picked Lake Maxinkuckee.  The Troopers that are certified in Scuba Diving put in 4 training sessions a year, and then have one full week of training annually,” explained Trooper Duffitt.

Photo: Trooper Andrew Cochran was good spirited about his picture being taken and the others are pictured sitting on the pier.

Rhonda Reinhold Correspondent