On the morning of Friday, July 14th, Plymouth Police Officers responded to Walmart at approximately 4:10 a.m. after receiving reports of a female that appeared slumped over the steering wheel of her vehicle.

Officers identified the occupant of the vehicle as Kathleen Bradley, 58 years old, from Plymouth. During the officer’s investigation, Kathleen was found to be in possession of methamphetamine and legend drugs. Kathleen Bradley was also found to be impaired and transported to the Marshall County Jail. During in-processing at the jail she was found to be hiding marijuana.

Kathleen Bradley is facing criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice, Possession of Methamphetamine, Legend Drugs, and Marijuana, in addition to Operating While Intoxicated and Operating While Intoxicated on a Controlled Substance.  He was held on a $3,000 cash bond. 

Readers are reminded that charging information supported by an affidavit of probable cause is a mere allegation that a crime has been committed and that there is only probable cause to believe a crime has been committed. They are presumed innocent throughout the proceedings and are entitled to be represented by counsel and entitled to a trial by jury at which the State is obligated to provide proof beyond a reasonable doubt before a judgment of guilt may be made.