2-01-24     Thursday News     12:00 A.M.    E-2

In a news release to the media, Senator Mike Bohacek, (R-Michiana Shores) said, “Several bills I am supporting have recently moved through the legislative process.”

To ensure our Second Amendment rights are not being restricted, Senate Bill 14 would allow certain statewide elected officials and their staff, members of the General Assembly and their staff, and members of the Indiana Lobby Registration Commission to carry a handgun in the Statehouse or on the property of the state capitol complex. SB 14 passed out of the Senate and will now move to the House of Representatives for further consideration.

To enhance security in correctional institutions and prevent our correctional officers from facing dangerous situations, Senate Bill 182 would make it a crime for someone to use a drone to deliver contraband to an inmate or intentionally obstruct or interfere with a correctional officer’s, including a county jail officer’s, duties at a state correctional facility. SB 182 unanimously passed the Senate and will now move to the House of Representatives for further consideration.

To improve the rights of property owners and allow law enforcement officers to properly protect Hoosiers, Senate Bill 293 would allow, in certain circumstances, for a member of law enforcement to serve as an agent for the property owner in an event where the owner is not present to deny entry to a person or ask a person to leave. SB 293 passed the Senate Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law and will now move to the full Senate for further consideration.

Senator Bohacek said, “I am pleased with the movement of these bills and I look forward to monitoring their progress as they continue through the legislative process.”

To learn more about these and other bills, click here.