At the property owners request, the Plymouth Common Council tabled the second and third reading of an ordinance that would annex approximately 8 acres into the city limits on the south side of town. 

Plymouth City Attorney Jeff Houin said the property is immediately adjacent to the corporate boundary on Bayless Street.  The first reading was presented at the last council meeting when the transitional housing project was discussed and eventually voted down. 

The petitioner for the annexation is the property owner, Jon Langfeldt.  He contacted the Mayor on Monday and requested to have the annexation tabled.  Houin said there may be some other options for the property for development.  At this time there is nothing pending but the Langfeldts want to reevaluate the idea of annexation and see if there may be a developer who might have interest in a single-family housing project. 

The City Council unanimously tabled the ordinance.

The City Council had tabled a resolution for the financial plan for the annexation of the property at their last meeting.  Since the annexation was tabled this week and there was no action with it the City Council took no action to un-table the financial plan resolution.